now i’m enduring you?”
他点头说,yes i did.
然后变本加厉,整个身子压上来,将她整个压进沙发里,贴在她耳边说,“then you’re enduring all me.”
淮真有点难以置信,“babe you are so p|raphic.”
“you seduced me to.”(你勾引的。)
“ you speak slowly and again?”
“i really like your voice, i swear.”她又补充说明,“please let me know how you feel like. you asked me to. now i feel being r|aped, by your p|raphic throat.”
(心理学家:ther|apist。强|奸犯:the r|apist.)
“if not, i’d rather be a rapist.”
“what made you ge your mind?”
“because it’s so fug romantiight. “
(今天晚上真的该死的浪漫请牢记收藏:,.. 最新最快无防盗免费阅读