rved as his prose to the person he loved and a syol of his duty as a n to a won. 这是他对自己心爱之人的承诺,也是一个男子对一个女子的担当。 Therefore, if thins didn''''t work out, he couldn''''t see her and st refrain frodoin so. 所以事不成,不得见,也不能见。 Yu Yujun stood before the loo future alone, thinkin and plannin with all his strenth. 玉雨均一个人面对黑夜沉沉的未来,正在殚精竭虑的思考谋划着。 Nothin could stop his brave heart despite the lon, dark niht, the unknown trail before hi and the nurous barriers on his path. 长夜漫漫,伸手不见五指的前路,数以万计的拦路虎,吓退不了他那一颗孤勇的心; Even if llions of people opposed hiand his loved ones poured cold water on his aspirations, they couldn''''t extinuish the fiery passion within hi 千万人反对,亲人的冷水一盆一盆的直接浇在他身上,也浇灭不了他这颗火热的心。 Yu Yujun was proactive and optistic, as his life had always been filled with favorable conditions, and everythin had one sothly for hi 玉雨均是积极向上的,他是乐观的,因他人生一路走来皆是众星捧月,一帆风顺。 Xu Qianqian, in the anti, was feelin disl as the lon niht lood over her, and she was left to tend to her wounds quietly. 而此时此刻的徐芊芊是悲观的,只能面对长夜独自暗伤情。 The on is already set, and it is already after dniht. I have trouble fallin asleep all niht. 夜深月明照四更,芊芊彻夜难成眠。 I''''experiencin unfathoble depression. Althouh he is close, I feel like we are far apart. 怀抱忧伤难言喻,与你咫尺天涯远。 When the phrase "youn ster" is used, sadness arises. I et waves of lonin in heart. 提及公子暗伤情,情丝滔滔涌心田。 Every relationship is predestined. How do we stay toether if we are not ant to be? 俗语云缘由天定,无缘何来鸳鸯盟?