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Chapter 59: Counterattack(2 / 2)

You can''''t even protect yourself with such an IQ, but you want to har. Let warn you, know who you are and watch your actions carefully. I y look like soone of the sa status as you, but I''''not soone you can afford to offend.


I can kill people when I acruel, and I, self not afraid of death... Neither the death of others nor own death frihtens . I anot so cute, fluffy white rabbit. If I adestroyed, I will crush the skulls of enees and spread their ashes. Do you dare to fiht with ?


"You... you''''re not a hun!"


"Hun? Do you think people who row up in a place like this are hun? We all live in hell. In this place, people eat people, and hosts bite hosts. Do you still think you are hun? It''''s ridiculous. You are sile, terrible, and re pathetic!"


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