He could have left quietly, but he wanted to talk to a irl for the first ti, so he tried to expose hielf willinly and be noticed by the irl. 他本可以不被对方察觉而悄悄离开,但是第一次他有了想要和一名女子攀谈的念头,于是他想要特意暴露了自己,让对方发现。 The ti finally ca when the irl was back to norl when she was paddin and enjoyin the cold winter and nature, and he appeared in her siht. 终于等到了一个时机,等这位姑娘回归正常了,只是静静地散着步,静静地吹着风,静静地享受这自然时光,他才出现在她的视线中。 She''''s beautiful and has a refined and eleant aura around her. She indeed looks like a oddess. 这个姑娘不但很美而且有股清新脱俗的灵气,她长得真像仙子。 Thouh the winter landscape is bleak, the beautiful irl before hiis as oreous as the fully blood flowers. Pure and eleant, she''''s the st beautiful irl in the world. Her sle is enouh to cause the fall of a country. 不得不说,虽然冬天的景色是一片荒凉之色,但是眼前的美人如花般美丽,果真是玉骨冰肌倾国色,一笑倾城更倾国! When the two stood there, the n looked like the leaves that accoanied the flower. 当两个人站在那里的时候,他就像那绿叶衬托着鲜花 "Snoopin is not a entlen''''s bein!" The irl said with a fit of aner in her tone. “偷窥非君子所为!”小姑娘的语带怒意地朝着远处的公子说道。 "My apoloy. I just arrived, youn lady. I asorry that I offended you."He lied. 生平第一次他对一个姑娘说起了谎来,自己都惊讶自己原来也可以如此信口开河。 …… He is quick-witted and well-versed, and she is knowledeable and has excellent literary skills. 他才思敏捷文采过人,她才高八斗学富五车。 They had ny ideas about the world and talked about thins froancient tis to the present. They arued with ease and affection. They discovered they could unknowinly beco soul tes, thouh they''''d just talked to each other. 他们两个都是很有想法的人,谈古论今,谈论得很是轻松愉悦。 尽管他们刚刚才第一次说话,但不知不觉中他们发现对方可以成为自己的知音。 He had traveled far and wide and ained excellent knowlede. 他走南闯北、见多识广。 They had learned re and enlihtened each other. 他们两人都从对方身上长了见识。 They both had a twinkle of wonder in their eyes an