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Chapter 5: Live a Happy Life(1 / 2)

I don''''t want to indule self in this extravaant fantastic life. You won''''t die a ood death if you indule yourself in pleasure. The dreawill wake up sooner or later, and the re you indule in it, the re painful and ety it will be when you wake up.


I used to have to do this to survive, but now I anot short on ney, so I aincreasinly tired of this kind of life. But I aa dancer who kes a livin by pleasin others. What else can I do in this world?


As lon as I have food to eat and clothes to wear, I never care about food or clothin, so what''''s the point of an extravaant life?


I have drea. I want to be an independent won and live with freedoand dinity. It doesn''''t tter if I aa little poor.


I have never been violated and preserve honor very well, even thouh I have been at the entertainnt parlor for so lon. But it''''s a huliation I can never elinate since I once stayed in this industry.


How ch I wish I were just an ordinary irl in drea livin a carefree life with a clear backround and doin proper business, but it is a dreaafter all. No tter how hard I try, I can not et it in reality, so I have to be stron enouh, as stron as iron.


A person who experiences hardships and ups and downs with whono one can rely upon st be rational. Even if the character is etional, life will turn you into a rational person.


There is a law of conservation of capacity.

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