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第22章 霍格沃兹的修仙者(2)(2 / 3)

e.  这是最稀有的魔杖芯。凤凰羽毛能够使用出最大范围种类的魔法,但它们可能比独角兽毛和龙芯弦需要更长的时间来显现这种特性。它们最主动,有时候会依照自己的想法行事,很多巫师和女巫并不喜欢这种特质。  Phoenix feather wands are always the pickiest when it cos to potential owners, for the creature frowhich they are taken is one of the st independent and detached in the world. These wands are the hardest to ta and to personalise, and their alleiance is usually hard won.  凤凰羽毛魔杖在选择可能的持有者的时候是最挑剔的,因为凤凰本身就是最独立和与世隔绝的。要驾驭和个人化这些魔杖是最困难的,而它们的忠诚通常极为来之不易。  Many wandkers sily tch the wand lenth to the size of the witch or wizard who will use it, but this is a crude asure, and fails to take into account ny other, iortant considerations. In experience, loner wands ht suit taller wizards, but they tend to be drawn to bier personalities, and those of a re spacious and dratic style of ic. Neater wands favour re eleant and refined spell-castin. However, no sinle aspect of wand coosition should be considered in isolation of all the others, and the type of wood, the core and the flexibility y either counterbalance or enhance the attributes of the wand''''s lenth.  很多魔杖制造师依巫师或女巫的身高大小来配对魔杖的长度,但这是一个非常粗糙的测量,而没有考虑到其他许多重要的因素。以我的经验来说,长一点的魔杖和高一点的巫师可能配得起来,但它们比较容易被非常有个性或有着广阔而戏剧性的施法风格的巫师或女巫吸引。比较匀称的魔杖偏好雅致而精确的咒语施展。然而,魔杖的任何组成都不应该不和其他特性一并讨论。魔杖的木头、芯、和弹性都有可能抵消或者是提高魔杖长度所带来的特性。  Most wands will be in the rane of between nine and fourteen inches. While I have sold extrely short wands (eiht inches and under) and very lon wands (over fifteen inches), these are exceptionally rare. In the latter case, a physical peculiarity dended the excessive wand lenth. However, abnorlly short wands usually select those in whose character sothin is lackin, rather than because they are physically undersized (ny sll witches and wizards are chosen by loner wands).  大部分的魔杖会是九寸到十四吋长。虽然我也有卖出过极短(八寸或更短)和极长(十五寸以上)的魔杖,那些都是异常的少见。在后者,是因为特殊的体型需要特别长的魔杖。然而,反常的短的魔杖通常会选择在性格上有缺陷的人,而不是体型特别小的巫师女巫(许多体型小的巫师女巫有被较长的魔杖选上)。  Wand flexibility or riidity denotes the deree of adaptability and willinness to chane possessed by the wand-and-owner pair - a

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